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Protecting your company's finances: Strategies for payment fraud detection

5 minutes read
Published on 26-06-2024

Learn how to prevent fraud in B2B payments

In the intricate world of finance, where large sums of money move swiftly between accounts, the threat of fraud looms ominously. It's a scenario that could easily happen to anyone: transferring funds from your bank account to a vendor, only to realize too late that the recipient isn't who they claim to be. This type of scenario isn't just hypothetical; it's a reality that businesses face every day. 

Consider this: you meticulously check the details before making a significant transfer from your personal account, such as paying for a new car. But what about finance teams handling hundreds or even thousands of transactions monthly? The margin for error widens, and fraudsters, with their cunning tactics, exploit this vulnerability. Implementing effective payment fraud detection measures is crucial to safeguarding these transactions and protecting financial integrity.

74% of businesses experienced fraud attempts 

47% are extremely concerned about cyber threats 

51% have uncovered more fraud since the pandemic 

$42 billion of losses overall were incurred by organizations 

Fraud is a rampant issue in the corporate world, with businesses haemorrhaging millions of dollars annually due to fraudulent activities. According to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, more money is stolen through check fraud than through traditional bank robberies. One notable case is that of Nuremberg-based Leoni AG, which lost a staggering €40 million to CEO fraud in 2016. Fraudsters, armed with fake documents and false identities, duped unsuspecting employees into releasing funds to unauthorized accounts. 

the-threat of payment fraud


The threat of fraud is pervasive and constantly evolving. Businesses must remain vigilant against various tactics employed by fraudsters:

CFO Fraud / Whaling: Fraudsters impersonate company executives, manipulating employees into initiating urgent payments via email. By gathering extensive data through social engineering, they convincingly request high-value payments. 

Phishing: Fraudsters use sophisticated email schemes to obtain system access or confidential information, often targeting employees below the management level. 

Fake Invoicing: Fictitious invoices, meticulously crafted to resemble legitimate ones, may slip through occasional manual checks, leading to funds being diverted to fraudulent accounts. 

False Suppliers: Manipulating supplier data, including registering non-existent vendors, enables fraudsters to reroute payments to their accounts. Unusual invoice details or origins from high-risk countries may indicate fraudulent activities. 

Malware and Ransomware: Criminals deploy malicious software to compromise systems, disrupting payment processes or holding them hostage until a ransom is paid. 


Internal factors that facilitate fraud include: 

Lack of Awareness: Employees may not recognize the latest fraud patterns due to heavy workloads. 

Multiple E-Banking Tools: Managing multiple e-banking tools makes it challenging to oversee company-wide payments and detect fraud or duplicates. 

Inconsistent Processes: Varied payment approval processes or master data checks hinder the finance team's ability to track approvers effectively. 

Lack of Segregation of Duties: Centralizing payment approvals with one person poses a high-risk scenario. 

Unknown Suppliers: Regularly checking suppliers against international embargo lists, sanctions, or blacklists is essential to mitigate risk. 


As fraudsters adapt and refine their methods, organizations must fortify their defenses and empower individuals to identify and thwart fraud effectively. Here's how: 

Invest in PEOPLE: Cultivate a culture of awareness and vigilance among employees. Regular training sessions and concrete examples of fraud attempts can sensitize staff to potential threats. Establish clear reporting channels for suspicious activities. 

Build secure PROCESSES: Streamline and standardize payment processes, incorporating segregation of duties and multi-eye principles to prevent unauthorized transactions. Implement robust master data update protocols to verify legitimacy. 

Select effective SOLUTIONS: Centralize payment systems to enhance control and visibility. Embrace fraud detection technologies that automatically flag suspicious transactions. Conduct compliance checks to mitigate risks associated with suppliers. 

Individually, isolated payment transactions may appear innocuous, but they can raise red flags when specific patterns emerge. Identifying these patterns can prove challenging, even for seasoned employees. Automated payment fraud detection tools play a crucial role in uncovering suspicious patterns amidst high transaction volumes, complementing human oversight. Consequently, such tools can promptly flag suspicious activities, allowing payments to be either rejected or escalated for closer examination. Implementing whitelists can further streamline the verification process, ensuring essential payment runs remain unimpeded while maintaining robust fraud prevention measures. By integrating these solutions into payment processes, businesses can enhance security without impeding operational efficiency. 

fraud prevention strategies

In conclusion, safeguarding against fraud demands a multi-faceted approach encompassing secure processes, well-trained personnel, and advanced technologies. By investing in all three pillars and staying abreast of evolving threats, businesses can shield their finances from malicious actors, ensuring a secure and prosperous future.

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Ready to learn more? 

Visit our Fraud Prevention Learning Hub, read our eBook, How to Prevent Fraud in B2B Payments or get in touch and arrange some time with one of our experts to learn more about effective payment fraud detection.


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